Sunday, February 7, 2010


so on january 29th, one of my best friends, brittany and i drove to charleston to join another of my best friends, robert, his friend, rachel, and 400 various ppl to dance in marion park for 45 mins to lady gaga's music. being an EXTREME lady gaga enthusiast, and having already dressed as her for halloween, i decided to go in costume.

i honestly didnt realize that i would be bombarded from every angle with ppl wanting photos...but i gave the ppl what they wanted. it was my time to shine. : ) and shit, was it fun!: for the first 20 photos. then after that it got old and i just wanted to we did!

i noticed a camera man hovering over me on a step ladder just filming away as we danced, but i ignored him and kept moving. it seems like the above pic was one taken by him, so thanks random creeper-camera guy! you made us FAAAAAMOUS!!!

needless to say, it was a fun day! afterwards we had dinner with an old friend/college professor adam. it was great to see him again. we then convened at brittany's sister's apt for a while. robert and rachel went out and partied some more and i, pretty much gaga'ed out for the day, fell asleep on a wonderfully comfortable couch. <3